Creative Programs That Make A Difference

Dear Goddard House Friends and Colleagues:
Jewel wasn’t sure she could do it. “The pandemic caused me to change my mind.”
Physical distancing protocols kept her from doing the usual things she enjoyed, such as gathering in a group with her Goddard House friends to socialize and play her favorite games, like Boggle.
Then, Jewel observed that the art programs, that she hadn’t tried since she moved last year to Goddard House, were continuing again with just a few residents to a class. And she marvelled at her friend Arlene’s beautiful artwork and thought, “I could never do that.” But, one day she was ready. “Erica encouraged me. She said I could do it,” Jewel says with a laugh, remembering Art Therapist, Erica Curcio’s confidence in her. “It took courage. But, it’s a good feeling, as you go along, to know that you can learn new things.”
“Creativity takes courage.”– Henri Matisse, Artist
Now, Jewel is a regular at Goddard House arts programs. She proudly points out that three of her abstract paintings are on display in Gallery M, the Goddard House art gallery. She’s also participated in collage and jewelry-making programs. And, she recently made pressed flowers between glass.
At Goddard House, creative programming is at the heart of our community. Spend a few minutes at Goddard House and you can see, hear, feel and smell it. From the ever-bustling “Open Art Studio,” to the beautiful sound of live music performances, and the natural wonder and scents that come from tending the indoor and outdoor gardens and lively chicken coop — all of our programs are designed to encourage interactive participation from residents, like Jewel, and enrich their lives and overall well-being.
We hope you will consider contributing to our annual appeal this year so that we may continue to grow and enhance our unique program offerings. Together, we can empower Goddard House residents to express themselves while nurturing their courage and creativity. Our board has pledged to match individual donations up to $1,000. Your tax-deductible gift will be a meaningful investment in these important initiatives and greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your consideration and best wishes for a joyous holiday season!

Alexandra Schweitzer
Chair, Board of Trustees

Candace Cramer
Chief Executive Officer