New community gathering space

The Art of Healthy Living

Goddard House Visioning! Campaign

175 Years of creative aging and innovation

Rendering of new Outdoor Terrace

At Goddard House, we embrace the aging experience for older adults living in the Boston area. Our leadership includes operating a high-quality assisted living community and creating innovative programs at home and across Greater Boston that support our fundamental human need for purpose, engagement, autonomy, choice and social connection as we age.

The Visioning! Campaign reflects our unwavering commitment to creative aging and healthy living.

Explore our Inclusive Design and Key Features

Make a Gift to the Visioning! Campaign

Throughout our 175 years, our greatest strength, in tandem with our core values, has been our ability to constantly adapt to meet the ever-changing needs and expectations of the older adults we serve. It is in this spirit that we are now embarking on a $16 million dollar renovation of our 28-year-old assisted living community that aspires to be as unique and forward-thinking as the residents and communities that we serve.

In 2021, we launched an in-depth study to better understand our facilities, grounds, and program strengths and areas of opportunity. Current and prospective residents, family members, staff, board members, and community partners affirmed the value of our arts, life-long learning, and nature-based programming and shared important details for designing inclusive and aesthetically pleasing spaces that add value for older adults.

Please consider a donation in support of this Campaign. Your investment will significantly enrich the lives of our residents, foster deeper connections between our Community-Based Creative Aging Initiatives and our Assisted Living programs, and serve as a catalyst for the ongoing sharing of our creative energy and learnings – within and beyond our walls.

Our re-envisioned common areas will improve our residents’ experience, and enhance staff satisfaction and workflow. The person-centered design seamlessly promotes simplicity, beauty, flexibility, and ease for people of any age.

We have naming opportunities available for this campaign. If anyone is interested in learning more, please contact Candace Cramer, Goddard House President & CEO, at 617-731-8500 or

Enhanced Green Spaces

Brightly colored perennials and ample green space are core to our vision. A new outdoor deck next to the new Creative Aging Center, an extended wrap-around porch, and a dedicated art room overlooking the outdoor terrace gives Goddard House residents a deeper connection to the natural beauty of the outdoors.

New Creative Aging Center

This new community gathering space will provide a welcoming, multi-use venue for creative aging and life-long learning, as well as community events. The Center will seat up to 70 people and bring residents and community members together to experience and enjoy art, music, theater, film, lectures and other stimulating programming.

Elevated Workplace Experience

Beautiful and functional spaces for our associates demonstrate our commitment to employee well-being and reducing stress levels. An enlarged staff break room, as well as new facilities and a dedicated outdoor terrace, will promote comfort and relaxation for our hardworking associates.