How to Get Involved

Volunteer at Goddard House Assisted Living

Volunteers Bring A Special Spirit

Volunteerism is a special spirit which brings with it the opportunity for valuable and meaningful relationships to evolve. At Goddard House we cherish our volunteers and the free gift of their time, talents and gifts. We welcome those with a deep desire to make a difference in an older adults’ life to ask us about getting involved.

As you apply we can try to tailor your interests, enthusiasm, and skills towards a volunteer position. You’ll find that you will be greatly rewarded by volunteering with our residents, as will they by sharing their lives with you.

Volunteer at Goddard House!

If you are interested in exploring volunteer opportunities at Goddard House Assisted Living, please email our EnrichedLIFE Director, Rebecca Margolin, at Please include a resumé and specify your areas of interest.