The Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls – Part One
Claimed by many as the greatest archaeological discovery of the 20th century, the Dead Sea Scrolls have fascinated the minds of scholars and laypeople alike for over 60 years. What exactly are these ancient texts? Who wrote them? Why are they so popular? What insights have they given us into ancient Israel? Join us for Part 1 in a 4-part series featuring biblical scholar and archaeologist Nate Ramsayer as he speaks about “The Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls”. Nate has presented papers to the Society of Biblical Literature on the scrolls, helped design interactive stations for the “Dead Sea Scrolls: Life in Ancient Times” exhibit at the Boston Museum of Science, and in 2013 received a grant to research at the actual Qumran site on the shores of the Dead Sea. Join Nate as he leads us down the path of discovery into the world of the Qumran community, its history, and what lies inside these treasured fragments of Hebrew scripture. No prior biblical studies knowledge necessary. Come with questions! Event will take place in the Goddard House Library.